Now that it is getting warm out, we wanted to remind all of our dog lovers to make sure they take necessary steps to keep their dogs safe! The sun is out, the grass is green, the birds are chirping! It is finally getting to be that summer weather we all know and love. However with warmer weather comes additional hazards for our furry loved ones. 

Summer is a time for BBQ's, pool parties, camping trips, beach trips, you name it! We are going to give you some tips to keep your dog protected when you head out in the gorgeous weather. 


Going to the beach is a great time, and it is a lot of fun! However if you are bringing your dog you want to make sure to take some precautions:

  1. Bring a towel for your dog to rest on. The sand gets very hot and can not only be uncomfortable for your dog, but it can burn the pads on their paws and even their skin under their fur. 
  2. Make sure you bring an umbrella, canopy, or tent. You need to make sure there is shade for your dog to rest in. Your dog has a lot of hair, and cannot keep themselves cool as well as you can. Make sure there is a cool and shady area for your dog to relax when he or she needs to get out of the sun.
  3. Have lots of water on hand. Your dog is going to get very dehydrated if he or she is outside at the beach all day. Make sure to bring multiple bottles of water for your dog so that they can drink whenever they are thirsty. Pay attention to their tongue and their panting. If their tongue is out far and they are panting heavily feed your dog some water.
  4. When it gets dark you want to make sure you can keep an eye on your dog. Days at the beach typically start to end as the sun goes down. Make sure to have an LED dog collar so that you know exactly where your dog is once it starts getting darker.


Summer is the perfect time to go camping. It is warm and the nights don't get too cool. The weather is perfect! Bringing your dog on a camping trip can be an amazing experience, you just need to make sure to prepare properly.

  1. Bring a long leash. There are going to be a lot of other people around your campsite and they may or may not like dogs. Bring a long leash so that you can tie your dog to a picnic table or something similar, which will allow your dog to wonder a bit, but will also keep him or her contained to your campsite.
  2. Don't forget toys! Your dog is on vacation too you know! Bring a couple of toys and tennis balls to throw around so that your dog can get moving and have some fun!
  3. Tick repellant. We use frontline on all of our dogs, however if you do not use a tick solution we suggest picking one or talking to your vet about your options. 
  4. LED Dog collar: at night it is important to know exactly where your pup is - especially when in a strange area like when you are camping. Make sure you have one of our LED Dog Collars so that you know exactly where your dog is on the camp grounds. You can spot your dog up to 1000ft away with our bright led dog collars.


BBQ's are great to catch up with family and friends. It is also a great time to let your dog socialize with guests. There is a lot going on at a barbecue so you need to make sure your dog is comfortable and happy.

  1. Make sure to inform your guests not to feed your dog food. To your guests your dog is a fluffy furball of love and they cant help but give him or her what he or she wants. You need to make sure that your guests know that no matter how cute the puppy eyes are, there is NO FEEDING THE DOG. Your dog can get very sick and may even need to go to the Vet if they are fed something that is not appropriate for dogs.
  2. Keep a collar on your dog with tags. When you have guests over, gates and doors are opening and closing. This increases the chance that your dog may get outside of your property. In case this happens you want to make sure your dog has a collar on with ID tags.
  3. Again you want to make sure you have an LED dog collar! As it gets dark out, you want to make sure you know where your dog is. Putting our LED Dog Collar on your dog also helps your guests know exactly where the dog is, too! 

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