Are You Passing Your Anxiety to Your Dogs? Natural Anti-Anxiety Supplements Can Help!

Are You Passing Your Anxiety to Your Dogs? Natural Anti-Anxiety Supplements Can Help!

 Our furry friends are always able to tell how we’re feeling, right? When we’re sad, they know to come and cuddle. When we’re excited, they know to head off for their leash so we can go on an adventure. So, what about when we’re feeling anxiety? Is it possible that our anxiety is having an effect on our pups?

Do We Pass Anxiety to Our Dogs?

The simple answer to this question is no, it is physically impossible to pass anxiety on to humans or dogs and cats for that matter. Anxiety is not a bacterial infection or viral disease and cannot be passed on through contact. That’s the good news, right?

The more intense answer is this: kind of. While a dog can’t physically “get” your anxiety, they can clue in on how you are feeling and end up feeling the same way too. After all, we all know that dogs have the ability to sense our emotions, so it wouldn’t be unheard of that a dog was feeling a bit anxious because their owners were.

Another reason why a dog may feel anxious when you are is because they always look to their owners on how they should act. If you are acting abnormally because you are struggling with anxiety, you might notice your pup starting to act in the same manner. It is not because you gave them anxiety, but simply because they are following your actions.

Dogs that already have anxiety or are prone to anxiety because of trauma in their past may be more receptive to you and your personal anxiety. In this situation, it is more likely that a dog will act up and have anxiety symptoms while the owner does.

How to Make Your Dog Feel Less Anxious?

If you struggle from anxiety or have anxiety attacks and are worried about “passing” this sensational off to your pet, there is a wide number of things you can do to ease his anxiousness.

  • It is imperative that you stick to a routine. This will not only benefit you but will have a calming effect on your dog as well. It has been shown that a routine, knowing exactly what occurs before and after, can put your mind at ease. There is truly no room for feeling anxiety when you and your dog are essentially doing the same thing all day, every day. Dog separation anxiety is very common but if he quickly learns that you are coming back at a set time that feeling will soon evaporate. In the meantime, you can always offer him calming treats when you return or when he is left alone for a set period.
  • Taking your dog on walks is also essential to ensuring he does not get anxious. Exercise is one of the best ways to get rid of anxiety and depression in humans, and the same will go for your dog. Taking him on walks often will ensure you’re getting the proper exercise you need to keep your mind at ease, and will also let your dog get some anxiety out of his system. This bonding time is most definitely a positive benefit, too!
  • One-on-one time is one of the best ways to ease your pet of anxiousness. After all, if he is sensing your anxiety and starting to feel it himself, he will definitely be in search of some extra cuddle time. Make sure you’re taking time out of your day to give your dog the attention he needs. There is nothing a little cuddling never fixed, right? This benefits you and pup.

Consider All-Natural Solutions

Aside from the above-mentioned ways to make your dog feel less anxious, you may also want to try some other remedies. Of course, there are a number of calming supplements for dogs out there, but you want to make sure it is natural. This is especially true in dogs who already struggle with anxiety and are having a tougher time in recent weeks.

All-natural solutions to dog anxiety will ensure that he—and his mind—are at ease. While you can also opt for anxiety medication prescribed by a veterinarian, they may have side effects that do more harm than good, and that is why many pet owners are opting for one of these all-natural herbal remedies:

  • Chamomile. This herb has amazing benefits when it comes to calming and relieving anxiety. Chamomile is used by humans often, and can also help your dog when it comes to anxiety. The herb reduces anxiety and stress levels, as well as ensuring your dog gets an adequate amount of good sleep every night.
  • Lemon balm. Ah, delicious lemon! The smell is enchanting, and the sedative herb known as lemon balm is even better. It has the ability to treat excitability in dogs as well as ease anxiety. Perfect combo for the hyper pups out there.
  • Echinacea. This lovely herb not only has the power to boost the immune system of your dog but also eases and relaxes the pup to get rid of anxiety and stress.
  • CBD oil. Being a liquid derived from marijuana, you can assume that CBD oil will have a calming effect on your dog. CBD oil does not contain any THC so you are not getting your dog “high.” Instead, your pup will gain the potential benefits of CBD oil, such as being relieved from anxiety and strengthening his heart. Make sure you buy a pet product with the right amount of CBD oil, such as our FOMO bones.


To put it plainly, dogs can read our emotions and will have an idea of how to respond and react to situations. While you cannot actually pass on anxiety to your dog, he can feed off the energy you are letting out, which leads to him feeling anxious and acting out. 

In order to refrain from giving your dog anxiety, make sure you stick to a routine every day, get an adequate amount of exercise, a good dog’s diet, and spending ample one on one time with your little one and offering lots of positive reinforcement. Of course, loud noises and separation will, from time to time, still trigger symptoms of anxiety, but things will improve over time.

If all else fails and you need an extra helping hand in relieving your dog of stress and anxiety, you may also want to try all-natural remedies such as chamomile, lemon balm, echinacea, or CBD oil.

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