Everything You Need to Know About Wireless Dog Fences


Everything You Need to Know About Wireless Dog Fences

Are you the concerned owner of a curious and hyperactive dog? Are you always worrying about whether your furry companion is chasing a squirrel into the corners of Narnia? Or perhaps you fear your dog going off on an adventure alone into the driveway and getting lost.

Well, we completely understand! It’s only normal to want to keep your dog safe. But after all, we’re only human, and it’s not always possible to be vigilant every second of every day. But don’t worry, because, with advancing technology, there’s a solution for all of your worries.

We’re here to introduce you to the wireless dog fence, which will change your life for the better. So, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about this magical contraption! 

What is a Wireless Dog Fence?

A wireless dog fence is basically an electric dog fence without all the hassle of wiring. This is ideal for people who do not want a visible fence on their property. It can also be used if you want to restrict certain areas of your yard.

In these cases, you can use the wireless dog fence in combination with a traditional dog fence. 

For instance, garden owners might struggle with keeping their prized vegetables and flowers safe from their dogs who love to dig up plants. Or perhaps there’s a pool or sandbox in your backyard that you want your canine buddy to stay away from.

This is where a wireless dog fence can be useful. 

How a Wireless Dog Fence Works?

A wireless dog fence consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The receiver is added onto your dog’s collar. The central transmitter is connected to an electrical outlet, which gives out a radio signal.

This basically sets the invisible limits in a certain area surrounding your pet, creating a safe pet zone. You can assign the boundary ranges according to your preferences. Different wireless fences will have varying maximum ranges.

Your dog’s collar receives signals from the transmitter. If your dog goes near the boundaries of the set zone, there will be a warning beep. If your dog continues beyond the boundary, your dog will get a gentle shock. 

The Idea Behind a Wireless Dog Fence

When your dog is within the safe zone, there will never be any shocks. But whenever they go outside of it, they will get a static correction that is enough to be noticeable but not enough to be painful. This shock will startle your dog, acting as a corrective mechanism.

The static correction reminds them that they’re somewhere they shouldn’t be. It also encourages them to retreat back to the safe zone. Eventually, your dog will associate crossing the borders with feelings of discomfort. This will teach them to stay in the safe zone. 

The Benefits of a Wireless Dog Fence

Here are some of the advantages of using a wireless dog fence:

Ensures Your Dog’s Safety

Dogs tend to dig underneath and tear through normal fencing. This is why a wireless fence is the best option, as it will stay intact. Installing a wireless fence is a foolproof way to make sure your dog stays in your yard.

Low Maintenance

Wireless fences don’t require any maintenance, except for a few battery changes. Normal fences need to be painted and repairedHowever, wireless fences won’t require any maintenance or replacements.


Wireless fences are extremely easy to install and use. They’re also portable, meaning you can set up a safe zone everywhere you go. That means you don’t have to set up another fence if you move house.

Low-Cost Fencing

Believe it or not, wireless fencing is actually more affordable than the long long-terms of a traditional fence. It also lasts longer and has almost no maintenance costs throughout the year.


When there are no wires or visible boundaries, you’ll get a better view of your garden and flowers. So it’s safe to say that wireless fences are more aesthetically pleasing than traditional fences. 

How to Use a Wireless Dog Fence

After installation, you’ll have to introduce your dog to the boundaries and train them to understand their limits. During the initial phase, you should set some flags or visible objects to mark the boundary lines.

Training Your Dog

Familiarize your dog with the safe zone. Walk them around the boundary to see the flags. The next day, introduce your dog to the collar, attached to a leash and walk the boundary again. Whenever the beep comes on, make sure your dog hears it and pull them away.

Keep doing this every day for a week. This will help your dog understand where the boundaries are and which area they should stay in. Let your dog venture out on their own and explore the safe zone you have created by themselves. It’s normal for your dog to go beyond the limit sometimes, and get a shock.

When this happens, you should comfort your dog by speaking in soothing tones. After two weeks, you can start removing the markers on the boundaries. Take away each flag gradually and let your dog roam around on their own.

Extra Training Tips

Try to keep short training sessions that are no longer than 15 minutes. Training sessions should be playful and not stressful for your dog. Let your dog wear the receiver collar on its own for at least seven days before official training. This way your dog won’t associate the corrections with wearing a collar.

Make sure to take off the dog fence collar when you go out for walks. Never leave the wireless collar on for more than five hours at a time. Shock collars might irritate your dog’s skin, so it is wise to clean your dog’s neck after wearing the collar. The collar shouldn’t be too tight either.

The gap between the collar and your dog’s neck should fit three fingers. 

Features of Different Wireless Dog Fences

If you’re buying a wireless dog fence, here are the features that you should look out for:

The Number of Transmitters

Normal wireless dog fences have single transmitters with a spherical boundary. They also allow for more transmitters to be added. There are also certain packages with multiple transmitters that work the same way as single transmitters. The difference is that they have overlapping safe zones.

Basically, your dog will be able to go across zones without any warnings or shocks. So, you should choose the number of transmitters based on your backyard or safe zone terrain.

Range of Boundary

You’ll need to determine the range of an electrical fence, before purchasing it. This will set the size of the area your dog will be able to run around in. Wireless transmitters create circular boundaries. So it’s best to measure out your garden or backyard first and then choose the appropriate range.

Ability to Adjust Corrective Mechanism

The same level of correction might not work for every dog. The corrective mechanism has to be adjusted based on your dog’s breed, weight, and obedience. The noise and the shock have to be harmless. But it also has to jolt your dog enough to make it feel slight discomfort.

How Many Collars?

If you’ve got a lot of pets, you’re going to need more collars. Some packages might involve multiple collars so make sure to keep that in mind when doing your research.

The Type of Battery Needed

You don’t want your fence to function on extremely fancy batteries you can only get from the manufacturer. So, you should always check the battery type before you make a purchase. Try and buy a package that requires normal batteries you can buy anywhere.

You might even find an indicator along with the fence. Indicators let you know about the battery life and power level. 

Problems with Wireless Dog Fences

Since we want you to make an informed decision, we’ve listed some of the limitations of using a wireless dog fence below as well.

  • Wireless fences are only capable of a circular boundary. This doesn’t really work when you have a narrow backyard or live very close to your neighbors.
  • You can’t prevent dogs or people entering your property if you rely solely on a wireless fence.
  • Obstacles like trees can often obstruct signals between the transmitter and the receiver. Wireless dog fences work well only in wide open spaces.
  • If your house has any metals outside, such as sidings, railings or a shed there might be problems in the signal transmission.

Dogs have a mind of their own. They might just cross the boundaries despite the shocks if they are not well trained. 

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled below some of the most popular questions users ask about wireless dog fences.

Will the shock correction hurt my dog?

No! The shocks are set at very low levels that will never harm your dog. It will only make your dog feel a slight sense of discomfort.

How long will it take for my dog to understand the system?

It will take around two to three weeks to teach your dog the boundaries. Within a month your dog will be completely used to the wireless fence system.

How long should I give my dog to get used to the collar, without activating it?

Three to seven days should be enough.

At what age can I start training my puppy with a wireless fence?

Your puppy needs to be at least four months old to begin training. It is important that your pup understands basic commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’.

What kind of maintenance would a wireless fence require?

Not much except for the occasional change of battery for the collar and transmitter.

How do I get my dog outside the yard after it is trained?

Pick a certain exit, and make it your only exit. To train your dog to use that exit, turn off the transmitter and take off the collar. Replace the collar with a leash and ask your dog to sit and stay near the boundary. Then say ‘come’ and wait for your dog to come out. If it doesn’t then gently pull at the leash.

Repeatedly doing this should reassure your dog that there will be no problem exiting through this point.

What happens to the fence if I move house?

You get to take it with you! Simply set it up in your new house and retrain your dog. 

Final Thoughts

Although there are quite a number of limitations, wireless dog fences are a very good way of keeping your dog safe. It’s not always possible to keep a constant eye on your dog. So, having technology do that for you is a massive weight off your shoulders.

What’s more, wireless fences are portable, convenient to use, and easy on the eye. Perhaps a combination of both traditional and wireless fences might be more suitable for your requirements. However, it is very important that you do proper research on these fences.

Make sure to look at the different features all the systems have to offer, before making a purchase. So, go and dig into the world of wireless dog fences.

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