Best flea and Tick Prevention Ways for Dogs and Cats

 Fleas and ticks are the pesky little blood-sucking parasites that we don’t want our pet dogs and cats to have, yet our pets are prone to them especially when they hang around outdoors. Fleas and ticks could cause discomforting itch and health problems to our loving pets, which should be prevented at all costs. 

Why Should We Prevent Ticks and Fleas?

As common folks say, “prevention is better than cure.” It is true indeed. This saying is especially applicable when we want to get rid of fleas and ticks from our pet dogs and cats. 

Fleas and ticks could cause itching, allergies, skin damage, and parasites in your pets. It is important to note that the discomfort that our pets experience due to these pests could be a prelude to more serious health problems. 

When unattended, these pests can cause anemia in dogs and cats, especially kittens and puppies due to blood loss. Fleas feed twice a day and could suck blood the amount thrice of their weight. They could also spread diseases such as typhus, plague, or cat scratch disease (which comes from a flea-infested cat) to humans, even if the fleas are targeting your pets. 

On the other hand, ticks could cause a dozen types of Tick-Borne diseases, depending on the tick species and region. In the U.S., Lyme disease from ticks could cause serious medical problems such as arthritis in dogs. Cats are not vulnerable to Lyme disease, but they can contract other harmful diseases from ticks.

Another issue for dog fleas is a home infestation, which could be a difficult situation for your pets. Female fleas reproduce rapidly as they could lay 50 to 60 eggs in a day! A single flea could have a lifespan of 16 days to 21 months depending on several factors such as temperature and humidity. Given these facts, it is no wonder how quickly they could storm your house in a glimpse. Additionally, eradicating fleas from your house is costly and quite repetitive – repetitive in a sense that it requires another house remedy after 3 to 4 weeks.

How Can We Prevent Ticks and Fleas from Infesting Our Pets?

1.Reduce Pet Exposure to Flea and Tick Environments

Uncontrolled Environments

Fleas and ticks like warm and humid places — no wonder they like hanging out at your pet’s coat! So, it is advisable to prevent your pet to go off-trail. As fleas are found in warm, humid environments such as yards, high grasses, or debris, don’t let your pets wander here all the time.

Meanwhile, ticks are often found in woody and vegetative areas such as in tall grasses, fallen leaves, or in any yards. It would be also a smart move to take caution when your pet interacts with other animals as fleas can jump long distances from one animal to another.

However, a little outdoor fun would not hurt if you were to check on your pets immediately after going outdoors. Look for fleas, ticks, and even foxtails in your pet’s coat especially the insides of the ears, toes, under the tail, eyelids, the genital region, and under the collar.

Controlled Environments

In controlled environments, you could reduce the probability of fleas and ticks from harming your pet and infesting your home. You can prevent fleas from breeding in the garden by using a nematode solution.

 It is also advisable to manicure trees, bushes, and lawns. Outdoor pet houses should be cleaned regularly as these structures are breeding grounds for insects, fleas, and ticks. 

To prevent the spread of fleas and ticks from wild outdoor animals to your home and pets, garbage must be disposed properly, and it is smart to avoid your pet from sharing food and water from outdoor wildlife. 

For indoor settings, it is advisable to ask your veterinarian regarding what insecticide could be used to prevent flea and tick outbreaks.

2 . Medications or Treatments

Another way to prevent your pet from becoming a host to fleas or ticks is to use medications or treatments. Commercial ways of prevention come in different forms such as oral medications, shampoos, collars, sprays, ointments, and topical insecticides.

On using these products on sick, old, or pregnant pets, a veterinarian must be first consulted. It is important to follow instructions given by the manufacturer or your veterinarian regarding dosage, application method, frequency of application, etc. Additionally, look out for harmful side effects on your pet; if side effects manifest, remove the product and contact your veterinarian immediately.

While fleas and ticks are annoying and can hamper your pet’s overall wellbeing, they can still be handled. Follow the tips above to do this. They may be simple, but they’re totally effective. 

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