Can Dogs Eat This? Foods You Can and Can’t Share With Your Dog

 We share every part of our lives with our canine friends and without any doubt, we want to give them the best.

Can Dogs Eat

Part of that love means that sometimes we end up giving them food off our plates, sharing in the savory flavors we love.

But we have to be careful because unfortunately, some human foods can be really dangerous for your dog.

How can any food so delicious and healthy for us be harmful to our furry friend?

Well, let us explain in the following section. 

Humans and Dogs Have Very Different Metabolisms and Nutritional Needs.

Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • #1. Dogs need a lot more amino acids than humans
  • #2. A dog won’t struggle to break down highly saturated fat content.
  • #3. Dogs naturally form vitamin C in their liver, so they don’t really need it from external sources as much as we do.
  • #4. It’s best not to give high amounts of fiber and cereals to your dogs because their bodies don’t naturally produce the required enzymes to break them down. Their bodies require some, an optimum amount is necessary to keep the balance, but they don’t need extra.
  • #5. You cannot feed your puppy the same formula as a newborn baby due to the difference in nutritional needs. (I know most pet mothers want to, but no, don’t do it).
  • #6. Your dog needs more protein than you to survive (about 18%).

These are just some of the differences between the nutritional needs of dogs and humans.

So, even if you are really wanting to give your dog a bite of chocolate, please don’t! It could honestly wreak havoc on their health.

Which Foods Can Your Dog Eat? And which ones to avoid?

If you’re wondering what food you can give your dog, which ones to avoid and why to keep reading.

We also have a handy infographic with the list of safe and toxic foods for your dog at the bottom of the article, I am sure you don’t want to miss that!

#1. Fruits and Vegetables:

For us, fruits and vegetables are always healthy, but that’s not the case for our dogs. Some fruits which are highly beneficial for us can actually be very harmful to dogs, like avocados.

Here is a list of fruits and vegetables you might be questioning whether or not to give your dog along with the reasons why they are good or bad for your dog.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Well yes, but in moderation.

Benefits: The fiber in these bananas is great for your dog’s health and the added vitamins and minerals are great sources of energy.

Can dogs eat apples?


Benefits: Apples are safe for your dog’s health. With the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, they are okay to share but be careful of seeds.

Can dogs eat grapes?


Why?: The chemical constituents—especially solanine—in grapes and raisins are extremely toxic to dogs; in fact, they may lead to kidney damage.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, but in moderation.

Benefits: Low in calories and high in antioxidants and fiber, they are great for your dog’s overall health and immunity. Also, strawberries contain an enzyme that actually supports healthy dental care.

Can dogs eat blueberries?


Benefits: Blueberries contain antioxidants which are excellent for preventing cell damage. Moreover, these little fruits are full of goodness with added phytochemicals and fibers.


Can dogs eat tomatoes?

In very limited portions, and only the ripened parts.

Why?: Dogs can eat ripe tomatoes in moderation. But, the green ones are an absolute no-no because they contain solanine which is highly toxic to dogs. To be on the safe side, we recommend skipping tomatoes altogether.

Can dogs eat oranges?

Yes, but in moderation.

Benefits: Oranges are sources of Vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. But, make sure to remove the peel and the seeds.

Can dogs eat carrots?

Yes, of course.

Benefits: With the low calories, high fiber, and high beta-carotene, this is actually a very healthy food for your dog to munch on.

Can dogs eat avocado?

No, absolutely not.

Why?: Avocado contains persin, a toxin for dogs that leads to vomiting and diarrhea. It is not only found in the fruit, but also in its pit, skin, and leaves.

Can dogs eat broccoli?

Yes but, once in a while.

Benefits: Broccoli is a very good source of fiber and vitamin C and is also low in calories; however, the florets contain isothiocyanates, which have the potential to cause gastric irritation in dogs. To be safe, limit the quantity and make sure it’s always small, bite-sized pieces to avoid esophageal obstruction.

Can dogs eat cucumber?

Yes, they can.

Benefits: Well, they have the ability to give your dog a boost of energy and are filled with vitamins K, C, and B1. This makes cucumber a favorite “human” vegetable you can safely give your dog. Cucumbers also contain a number of nutrients like potassium, biotin, copper, and magnesium.

Can dogs eat mangoes?

Yes definitely.

Benefits: Mangos are loaded with vitamins A, B6, C & E; add to these vitamins the beta and alpha-carotene and you get a food that is a great treat to your body (not to mention the taste buds because they’re sweet!). Just make sure you don’t forget to remove the pit from the mango before giving it to your dog.

Can dogs eat mushrooms?


Why not?: Wild mushrooms contain compounds toxic to dogs. Though all mushrooms are not wild, it is recommended that you avoid feeding them to your dog as it’s difficult to differentiate between toxic and non-toxic varieties.

Can dogs eat celery?

Yes, they can.

Benefits: This yummy green veggie has all the benefits of vitamins A, B, and C along with other nutrients that are good for your dog’s heart. It also is great because it helps fight cancer.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Yes, they can.

Benefits: Watermelon is a safe food for dogs. It’s loaded with vitamins and potassium and it’s actually a great way to help keep your dog hydrated in the summer. Just make sure to remove the seeds and rind them before sharing them with your dog.

Can dogs eat cantaloupe?

Yes, no problem.

Benefits: Cantaloupe is full of fiber, water, and loads of nutrients. Also, it’s a low-calorie snack option. Just make sure to give it to your dog in moderation because of the high sugar content, which could be a contributing factor leading to diabetes.

Can dogs eat pear?


Benefit: These green crunchy snacks are full of vitamins, fiber, and copper. Again, just make sure to remove the pit and seeds before giving them to your dog.

Can dogs eat onions?

No, not at all.

Why?: Eating onions can be toxic to your pet because they contain N-propyl disulfide which can cause rupturing of red blood cells, and then result in anemia. Onions may also cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and nausea in dogs.

Can dogs eat pineapple?


Benefits: It’s full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are good for your dog. It’s also a great source of bromelain, an enzyme that helps dogs’ bodies better absorb protein.

Can dogs eat peas?

Yes, they can.

Benefits: Peas are nutrient-dense veggies with high amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. But make sure not to give your dog canned peas because the added sodium is a big no-no; their bodies can’t process it.

Can dogs eat raspberries?

Yes, but only in moderation.

Benefits: Raspberries are a great source of antioxidants with low levels of sugar, but dense amounts of fiber. Their anti-inflammatory properties make them good to help relieve pressure and pain for senior dogs. Just keep it in moderation—no more than 1 cup at a time.

Can dogs eat spinach?

In very limited amounts:

Why?: Simply because spinach is high in oxalic acid, which can cause kidney damage.

Can dogs eat potatoes?

Yes, but only if peeled and cooked.

Benefits: A plain, peeled cooked potato contains high levels of iron which is highly beneficial for your dog.

Can dogs eat cherries?

Only in very, very limited amounts and they must be properly pitted.

Why?: The fleshy parts of cherries are moderately safe once in a blue moon (though there is a slight risk of diarrhea in dogs with sensitive stomachs. Just be really careful because cherry pits and plants contain cyanide, which is extremely poisonous to dogs.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, you can give dogs peach.

Benefits: peaches are an excellent source of Vitamin A and are also packed with fiber. It also helps against infection. Make sure to cut the peach into bite-sized pieces and always remove the pit. Do not give your dog canned peaches because they contain too much sugar, which isn’t good for your dog.

Can dogs eat asparagus?

In very limited amounts.

Why?: Asparagus doesn’t really have any added benefit for your dog and simply put, it is difficult to eat it raw. If you want to cook it and give it to your dog, it will lose all nutritional value.

Can dogs eat cranberries?

Yes, but only in moderation.

Why?: Cranberries have health benefits but, too many cranberries can give your dog an upset stomach. While it’s okay to give dried cranberries to your dog, be careful; sometimes they can be mixed with raisins, which as mentioned earlier, can be toxic to your dog.

Can dogs eat coconut?

Yes, as long as the amount is carefully monitored.

Why?: The quantity has to be monitored because, on one hand, coconut—both meat and oil—is good for your dog’s immune system, skin, and coat. On the other hand, coconut is high in calories, so if your dog eats this too often, they’ll have a risk of gaining weight.

Can dogs eat lettuce?

Yes, but in moderation.

Why?: Letting your dog eat too much lettuce may give them loose stool and nausea. If you really want to feed your dog lettuce, it’s always better to go for a darker variety, like romaine lettuce.

#2. Dairy Products:

Milk and cheese seem to be classic healthy breakfasts; but, can we give these dairy products to our dogs? Check out the list below.

Can dogs eat cheese?

Yes, but in limited quantities.

Why Limited? Cheese contains fat and lactose which may give your dog an upset stomach if consumed in large quantities; a very small quantity of cheese won’t hurt them, especially low-fat options.

Can dogs eat yogurt?


Low-fat yogurt with probiotics and no artificial sweeteners is a good option for your dog. You can otherwise give plain yogurt as well. This is one of the few dairy products that are actually quite safe for dogs.

Can dogs drink milk?

In very limited amounts

Why?: The only reason for this is lactose intolerance. Milk containing lactose may cause gas, diarrhea, and other problems associated with lactose intolerance. It is safer to avoid milk, but if you really want to give it to your dog, make sure you limit it to a few tablespoons per day.

Can dogs eat ice cream?


Why?: Ice cream contains lactose and it just isn’t a safe option because so many dogs are lactose intolerant. Moreover, typically ice cream contains a lot of sugar, which is ultimately unhealthy for your dog.

#3. Grains & Corns:

Can dogs eat rice?


Benefits?: Rice is a good source of carbohydrates that will help your dog with digestion and with stomach problems, including bloating. They can eat brown or white rice without any problems.

Can dogs eat corn?

Yes, but in moderate quantities only.

Why?: Corn contains vitamins and minerals beneficial to dogs. Feel free to cook some corn kernels and give them to your pet (about two tablespoons per day is a safe option). But, don’t feed your dog corn on the cob—that could cause intestinal obstructions.

Can dogs eat popcorn?

Occasionally, yes.

Why?: Give your dog popcorn once in a while for being a good boy, but make sure you limit it to only a few kernels to avoid choking. Most of the time, popcorn is made with butter and oil that has a high fat content, so it is best to give air-popped popcorn with no added ingredients.

#4. Bread, Honey, and Chocolate:

Can dogs eat bread?


Which breads are safe?: You can give little bits of bread to your dog. While bread is quite safe, there is no significant benefit to their health, unless they really like it and you give it to them as a treat.

Can dogs eat honey?


Yes, they can.

Benefits?: Honey has vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, and K and other nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. In addition, it’s also a good source of antioxidants. Honey can help with some dog allergies because the pollens in it help build immunity against allergens.

Can dogs eat chocolate?

No, they cannot. A Big NO.

Why?: Caffeine and theobromine are two components that cannot be metabolized by our canine buddies. So, as much as we want to give them a taste of chocolate, don’t—ever! Doing so would lead to serious complications like internal bleeding, dehydration, diarrhea and in extreme cases, seizures that lead to death.

#5 Fish, Poultry, and Other Meat:

In this last section, we look at the poultry and other meat items that you may or may not give your dog.

Can dogs eat eggs?

Yes, as long as they are cooked.

Why?: Raw eggs contain harmful bacteria that can wreak havoc on your dog’s system. On the other hand, when cooked, eggs are good sources of protein. So, any time you want to give your dog an egg, make sure to cook it well.

Can dogs eat turkey?

Yes, but it has to be plain, boneless, and skinless.

Why?: Turkey is a rich source of protein which when skinless, is also low in fat. If you want to feed your dog turkey, make sure it isn’t seasoned to avoid ingredients that are potentially harmful to your dog.

Can dogs eat pork?

Yes, they can.

Benefits: Pork is high in protein and amino acids, and is known to be non-allergenic for many breeds. On the downside, pork is higher in calories than other meat, so watch the portions.

Can dogs eat fish?

Yes, no problem.

Benefits: Fish is an excellent source of healthy amino and fatty acids (including omegas). Also, they are soft and can be easily eaten by your dog. Some fish, like salmon, are also packed with protein and contain a healthy amount of calcium. Make sure to cook the fish well before feeding them to your dog and watch out for bones.

Can dogs eat shrimp?

Yes, no problem.

Benefits: High in antioxidants, vitamin B-12, and phosphorous, shrimp is always a treat for your dog. Make sure to completely remove the shell and cook it well!

Can dogs eat chicken bones?

In a limited, safe manner.

Why?: While bones are high in nutrients and minerals and may seem to be a dog’s favorite, avoid giving him cooked chicken bones because there’s a high risk of choking. Once in while, raw meat bone can be given.

Can dogs eat ham bones?


Why?: Any form of cooked bones are harmful to your dog. But, you should particularly avoid giving a cooked ham bone because they are very brittle—they pose a high risk of choking; they can even cause mouth and tongue injuries.

Foods Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat in Infographic:

Now that you know what foods to give your dog and which ones are potentially harmful to him, feed him with caution. It often becomes difficult to keep all this information in mind. Hence, we have created this infographic that you can download and print for your quick reference. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.

Can Dogs Eat

In the end, we all want our dogs to be healthy and safe. While some foods are healthy for us, as discussed, it’s important to understand the danger to our dogs.

Even foods that are good for some dogs may have adverse effects on other dogs who have allergies.

So, it’s important to introduce new foods one at a time to gradually check their impacts on your dog.

As for the quantity, control the portion and base it on your dog’s weight, age, breed, and level of activity.

You and your dog are the best guides to your dog’s nutritional needs, just be attentive.

We also encourage you to consult a pet expert or vet before taking any major steps in terms of food. After all, we all want our dogs to be happy and healthy.

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